Construction & finishing
When you take the styrofoam torso out of the box at home, you are not there yet. You will still have to build and assemble the torso into a usable dress form.

The dress form must stand upright, on the stand. Also consider the working height. You can reuse an old stand or buy a new one. A round base, tripod, floor plate or one on wheels.

To preserve the styrofoam, it is best to cover the mannequin. You can find out how to do this in many tutorials on YouTube. Search for “dress form cover”.

To get the entire dress form to a good result, you will need some tools. What you need depends entirely on how you approach the project. Maybe you have everything at home yourself? Or can you ask someone to help you with this?
A tip
Choose your stand before editing the STL file
If you know in advance which stand the dress form will stand on, you can properly measure the pipes/tubes. The CAD designer needs these dimensions and placement to draw in the STL file.
Adding it all up…
This website is a passion project,
not for profit.
#zinin (especially for my favorite puzzle)