FAQ – frequently asked questions

What if your figure changes?

Well, that’s a risk. Personally, I don’t think my figure will change much.

My bone structure and posture remain the same. And I can adjust my patterns for my sizes and circumference.

Time will tell!

How did you come up with this?

“If you can’t find it, make it yourself.”

And I did that with a lot of Googling and searching on Pinterest, blogs, vlogs, YouTube, podcasts, etc.

And by sharing my idea, people started thinking along and referring me. “Maybe she/he can help you with this.”

That’s what made this project so much fun!

Why are there no photos of your own dress form on this website?


Everyone has seen a (styrofoam) dress form / mannequin. So everyone knows what that looks like. My body in underwear doesn’t have to be on the internet. That is a personal choice, in this digital age.

The companies that made the scan and the torso also deleted my data from their computers and backup. (GDPR)

Don't you think it's expensive to make this dress form?

Yes and no.

Yes, it adds up to quite an amount.

But its value is in the time, energy and frustration I save.

This is my basic personal instrument, because I can drape exactly to my own size and shape. The fun and joy I experience from this, is worth so much to me!

Why didn't you buy a custom dress form yourself from a full-service company?

I have not found a company in the Netherlands or Belgium where I could have this made.

In the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom and Spain, yes. These are countries with big sewing communities.

I also wanted a dress form with all the curves and rolls that I have. No smooshed shapes that a streamlined dress form has.

This was a feasible solution in the Netherlands. And also a very nice personal project!

Addition in November 2023: Ton Verswijveren makes custom dress forms, in the Netherlands. www.verswijveren.nl

Can I order a dress form from you, via this website?


This website was created from the fun I had in making and constructing the dress form. And I wanted to share that process.

I’m not planning to turn this into a business.

If someone else wants to do that? Good luck!

Can you help me with this project?


This website was created from the joy I had making the dress form. And I wanted to share the process of this.

The point is that people can do this themselves by collecting all kinds of local information.

I hope that a sewing club, for example, would take this up as a group project. And would help each other with this. I would love to hear that!

Is there anyone else who can help me with this?

I do not know. That is precisely the purpose of this project: Finding the right people in your own local surroundings.

The point is that people can do this themselves by collecting all kinds of information.

I hope that a sewing club, for example, could take this up as a group project. And would help each other with this.

Or that a sewing club seeks out a collaboration with a 3D workshop. I would love to hear that!

Styrofoam is plastic. Is that eco-friendly / sustainable?

Plastic is indeed not sustainable. But I assume that I will use this dress form for years. Because self-sewn, properly fitted and well-made clothing will last you much longer.

Styrofoam is hard. A body with a layer of fat is soft. How can you work with a hard dress form?

Well, that is a very good question. The scan is made while you are standing. Fat moves and redistributes, when you sit down for example. You have to create the space and ease yourself, that your clothing needs for your freedom of movement and comfort. I therefore measure myself several times while draping: I drape my pattern parts and then sit down, for example. When I sit, I measure the parts again, where fat moves. Then I know that I have to adjust the shape of my pattern in those places and that I have to drape the fabric slightly differently on the dress form. In this way I work on a garment that fits well when I stand still, but also when I move in it. In the end it all comes together when you make your toile (one or more) and adjust where needed. That’s why I find pants the most difficult to make.

Why include a small scale model?

I have seen methods on the internet to design this way, with smaller pieces of fabric.

The proportions are the same, so after designing you can work out the patterns to your own size. This also saves paper and fabric.

And it’s also just really fun!

How long does the dress form last?

We will have to see… The dress form was produced in April 2023.

The cover is important because it keeps the material together and protects the styrofoam somewhat against all the pins that you stick into it.

I had the dress form made at www.piepschuimreclame.nl in the Netherlands. I asked them to deliver the dress form unfinished, without any paint or coating. Terence was very friendly, thoughtful and customer-oriented.

Did you create this dress form as a response to size inclusivity?

Not really. But the fact that I couldn’t find comfortable, nice clothes for my figure was the deciding factor. Ready-to-wear has become increasingly poor in terms of fit in recent years, in my experience. This has become my personal solution.

I also wanted a dress form with all the curves and lovely rolls that I have. Not a standard dress form with smooshed shapes.

Can I contact you personally for questions?


On this website I have put everything I have found and developed. I couldn’t tell you anything more than what is stated here on the website.

In an extreme emergency, you can send an email to customdressform@gmail.com. But I don’t know when I will answer. This is not my paid job or daily activity.

Which scanner was your 3D scan made with?

My scan was made with the EVA Scanner from Artec.


At www.bellysisters.nl in Alkmaar, the Netherlands. They knew how to scan properly and have a lot of knowledge of the associated software.

Is this website available in Dutch?

This website is a passion project,

not for profit.







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